Find Your Passion With Missions!
Listed below are the many volunteer opportunities WAUMC provides, we would love to have you join us! Wauwatosa Avenue UMC volunteers keep our church vibrant and “Gathering as friends, growing in faith and sharing God’s love.” All are welcome to participate in opportunities listed below. For more information, contact the church office (waumc@gmail.com or 414-453-0700)
Join a choir
Play an instrument
Usher at a worship service
Serve on a church committee or board
Serve as a liturgist
Help in the nursery
Teach or help with Sunday School or Vacation Bible School
Sponsor altar flowers
Host a Sunday morning coffee hour
Help with church communications (e.g. office help audio/visual production, website updates)
Appalachia Service Project
Contact: Joelle Karth
Appalachia Service Project or ASP is a national home repair ministry focusing on making homes warmer, safer and drier for families in need. Projects include building porches, stairs or ramps, repairing roofing and installing siding, insulation, flooring and drywall. WAUMC senior high youth and friends, along with volunteer adult chaperones, make a one-week ASP service trip almost yearly
Habitat For Humanity
Contact: Anne Ruttger Neafie
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. A social justice focus of WAUMC since 2000, we have partnered with other area congregations to build 20 houses. Volunteers are needed to help build the houses, as well as make and serve snacks and lunches for on-site work crews.
Hawley Road Environmental School
Contact: Wendy Kamerling
WAUMC has been in a partnership with Hawley Environmental School since 2018. We have had a team of 15 volunteers going into the school and helping with reading and math tutoring. The need is great as the pandemic widened the reading and math proficiency gaps that many students were already struggling with.
The Gathering of SE Wisconsin
Contact: Jenny Ehrmann or Mary Spearo
The Gathering of Southeast Wisconsin is a community of guests, volunteers and staff united by a common goal to feed the hungry in body, mind and spirit. WAUMC members and friends of all ages and experience levels support this downtown Milwaukee meal program monthly:
450-600 homemade muffins are baked for the breakfast program on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in our church kitchen
200 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are made and brown bag lunches assembled on the third Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Donations of food supplies (peanut butter, jelly, fruit and/or carrot sticks and cookies) and paper goods (brown paper lunch bags, small plastic storage bags, paper napkins) are always needed.
St. Ben’s Community Meal
Contact: Church Office
St. Ben’s Community Meal serves a hot meal six nights a week. WAUMC donates fruit-gelatin salads and gallons of milk, contributed by members and friends, once a month. Watch for Jell-O Bucket Sunday sign-up in Fellowship Hall. Containers with an easy recipe inside are taken home one Sunday, filled and returned to the church kitchen the following Sunday for delivery to St. Ben’s by a team of volunteer drivers.
United Methodist Children’s Services
Contact: Carolyn Dressler
United Methodist Children’s Services provides low-income families in Milwaukee’s Washington Park Neighborhood with childcare, housing, hygiene products, emergency food and clothing. WAUMC collects holiday gifts, nonperishable food, hygiene and school supplies, new and gently-used clothing and financial donations. Volunteers help sort and wash donated clothing once a month for the clothes closet. In 2018, WAUMC members and friends built, organized and stocked a new daycare library.
“As a testament to our mission of social justice, we embrace Jesus Christ’s example of an open heart and open mind by affirming and cherishing people of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, ages, physical and mental abilities, education, economic status and religious affiliations”, WAUMC holds educational events and supplies our congregation and community with educational materials and resources in order to increase our understanding of the following social justice issues, amongst many others:
This effort is managed by the Church and Society Committee
If your are interested in joining or would like more information please contact waumchurch@gmail.com