Programming For Families
Sunday morning programming is now available for infants, kids, and youth during all worship services. We are so excited to offer classes and worship for our families! You will be welcomed with a smile as our team helps you get checked in and we begin our large group time together!
8:30am and 10:45am
Ages 0-3 nursery available
4 Years-5th Grade - start in worship and will go to the second floor.
6th Grade to High School - helping in classroom or participating in class
2nd Floor | Birth - 4 years old (before 4K)
The nursery caregivers provide children with safe and fun childcare during worship and faith formation. Older kids may also participate in age-appropriate Sunday school activities.
Sunday School Rooms
2nd Floor | 4K - 5th Grade
Sunday school age kids will begin in a large group for the Bible story followed by age-appropriate activities in classrooms divided by grade levels.
Kids Church
4K-5th Grade | During the Sermon at 8:30 and 10:45 Worship | The Upper Room (2nd floor)
Kids will stay in worship with their adults for much of the worship service. They will be dismissed to Kids Church before the sermon to participate in an age-appropriate message, activities, prayers, and worship songs. When Communion is offered, kids will stay in church with their adults.