Youth Ministry
6th - 12th Grade
An authentic and inclusive community where everyone belongs and has the opportunity to choose to grow and live out their faith. A safe place to explore who you are and what difference you can make in the world. All youth are welcome to participate in youth ministry programs, regardless of their church affiliation.
7th or 8th grade
Confirmation is a series of classes that prepare a student to publicly confirm their intention to live the vows that were made at their baptism and become a professing member of the United Methodist Church. The next confirmation class will begin in fall of 2024.
Youth Group
Sundays 6:30 - 8pm
An opportunity for students to come together in fellowship to laugh, play, eat (if you want), and engage in relevant discussions. Retreats and off-site activities are also regularly scheduled.
Youth Sunday School
Sundays 9:30 - 10:30am
Uniquely dedicated and driven by what matters most to the youth. Students will help select curriculum or discussion topics that allows for asking lots of questions, digging deeper, exploring the Bible and talking about how we live our faith.
Youth in Mission
The youth of this church have a long-standing tradition of serving with Appalachia Service Project to help make homes warmer, safer, and drier for the people of Central Appalachia. Most recently, students in Scout Troop 21 and from the surrounding community have joined this summer mission trip. Additional local opportunities for service are also available.
Big Questions - a discussion- based class about faith and life for youth and by youth
Meet In the youth room for meaningful, relevant discussion on what matters most to youth. Food will also be available.