Adult Faith Formation
We offer Sunday morning classes, Wednesday evening classes, men’s and women’s groups, and groups that meet during the day. You will find everything from in-depth Bible studies, topical studies, drop-in faith and current events classes, Christian parenting classes, Bible studies for beginners, to faith-based fellowship groups.
For more information, contact Joelle Karth, the church office (waumchurch@gmail.com or 414-453-0700)
The Faith We Sing
Wesley Hall, 9:30-10am on Sundays. A short discussion of music the choir is working on before choir practice.
We are so excited to offer faith formation for all ages on Sunday mornings beginning Sunday, September 10! Please take a moment to register, even if you can’t come every week. Registering is extremely important for the facilitators and for planning purposes.
Use this link to register now https://forms.gle/WtjRYKwbCY9MnGMv5.
Come check it out!
Fast Track Disciple - The New Testament
Heywood Room, In-depth New Testament Bible study led by William Fink, Rev. Domnik Israel, and Dr. Jack Kaufman
This 12-week study immerses the participant in the New Testament. This is a 12-week comprehensive Bible study with daily reading of 3-5 chapters of the Bible. The Fast Track Disciple New Testament Study Manual is required for this course and a good Study Bible is helpful. Rotational facilitators are William Fink, Rev. Domnik Israel, and Dr. Jack Kaufman.
Bible Stories for Grown-Ups: Reading Scripture with New Eyes
Berlew Room, Reading Scripture with New Eyes led by seminary graduate and newer member Tyler Brinkman on Sunday mornings.
Based on the book by Josh Scott, we will look at familiar Bible stories and discover new details and interpretations for an adult audience. Reading the book is not required to participate and drop-ins are welcome. Tyler Brinkman will facilitate this class in the Berlew Room (old library).
Men’s Bible Study Group
Meets on Tuesdays at 9:30am
The Bible and The News
Aviary (AV) Room, Drop-in current events discussion each week led by Rev. Carly Kuntz on Sunday mornings.
Everyone is invited to join Pastor Carly Kuntz in a free-wheeling discussion of how our faith is connected to the news of the week. We will meet in Room 5 at 9:30am. Bring your coffee, treats, thoughts, opinions, and faith to this class. All opinions are welcome as we talk about how followers of Jesus can interact with the news of our time. Retired Pastor Carly Kunz will facilitate discussion, drop-ins are welcome.
Women’s Spiritual Enrichment
Meets on Wednesdays at 9:30am