Accountable Leadership Board (ALB)

Wauwatosa Avenue UMC is a member-driven church. Youth and adult volunteers contribute their time and talents to some 15 groups that work in collaboration with paid staff. Terms usually begin in January and run for three years with an option to renew. All are welcome to serve!

Joyce Squire-Israel - Chair
Margaret Brown - SPRC Specialist
Jeff Williams - Trustee Specialist
Jon Neikirk - Finance Specialist
Anne Neafie - Lay Leader
Jill Lorber - At Large
Leah Brandt - At Large
Wendy Kamerling - At Large
Robyn Grover - At Large
Tess Vollmers - At Large
Christel Thompson - Secretary
James Malone - Treasurer
Deacon Tina Itson - Clergy
Pastor Kate Jones - Clergy