A Reconciling Congregation
WAUMC members voted overwhelmingly on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019 to officially declare our church a Reconciling Congregation and to join the Reconciling Ministries Networker (RMN)! The RMN traces its beginning to 1978. It envisions a renewed and vibrant Wesleyan movement that is biblically and theologically centered. As committed disciples of Jesus Christ, RMN individuals, churches and communities strive to transform themselves and the world by living out the Gospel’s teachings of grace, love, justice and celebration of all of God’s children. We strive to practice “Graceful Engagement” built on listening, empathy and advocacy as we continue our RMN diversity journey.
Marriage Equality Policy
We, the members of Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist Church, declare that no one will be denied the services of our church because of sexual orientation or gender identity.
WAUMC participated in PrideFest with Pastor Deb Hastings (second left)!
Our History
Wauwatosa Avenue UMC’s history reflects its commitment to gather as friends, grow in our faith and share God’s love. Most recently, in November 2019, we formalized our “all are welcome” positions and became a Reconciling Congregation. In addition to worship services, adult education classes, children’s Sunday School and many other in-church activities, we strengthen our faith by sharing God’s love throughout the community and the world.
We provide hands-on, financial and prayer support for more than 15 local, national and international mission efforts. A few examples of long-time and more-recent worthy causes include: making bag lunches and muffins for The Gathering; collecting nonperishable food, clothing and personal hygiene items for Tosa Community Food Pantry now located in our building; Rooted and Rising and other social service agencies; and, providing Hawley Road Environmental School students with literacy support. We’ve helped build 24 Habitat for Humanity houses, sent youth and adults to work on multiple Appalachian Service Projects and financially supported a missionary in Africa for many years. Our longest-running support is as sponsor of Boy Scout Troop 21 since 1922 and counting! We have a Mission Room where people gather to make mats, knitted items and other projects to help locally and through Midwest Mission. Everyone is invited to help.
What is a Methodist?
United Methodism was formed when the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church merged in 1968. We trace our spiritual heritage back to 18th century leaders, including John and Charles Wesley, Francis Asbury, Philip Otterbein, Martin Boehm and Jacob Albright.
We are a people of faith-based action. As the familiar song goes, “We’ve a story to tell to the nations.” Ours is the gospel story, “A story of truth and mercy, a story of peace and light.” We are a covenant people. When joining a United Methodist church, we promise God and our fellow congregants that we will uphold the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness.
We are a curious people who encourage and trust in free inquiry on matters of Christian doctrine. Our faith is guided by Bible scripture, tradition, experience and reason. United Methodists believe the Bible is the record of God’s people living out God’s promise.
We are an inclusive people at WAUMC, celebrating all the diverse individuals, ideas and cultures created by God.